"Practicing and teaching yoga has changed my life in many incredible ways. However, plenty of things haven't really changed much at all. For instance, I adore my family, but they can still drive me crazy. I still snort when I laugh hard. My joints are still fussy and make all sorts of interesting noises. And touching my toes is still not one of my greatest strengths!
I've experienced many highs and lows throughout my life and I don't expect that to change in the years to come. But yoga helps me enjoy my life just as it is, with greater awareness, balance, and ease.
My mission with Happy Place Yoga is to compassionately share what I've learned from yoga and ayurveda, from both my studies and my own personal experiences. My life changed for the better when I started practicing yoga on my own at home; when I learned to pause within the mundane or stressful moments of my daily life to choose to be more mindful. So my intention is to offer people sustainable wellness tools that they can utilize throughout the rest of their lives. I aim to set folks up for their own empowered, independent health journeys, because I believe that a good teacher makes themselves increasingly unnecessary.
I'm especially interested in working with people who might not otherwise have access to yoga. Awareness, movement, and breath are all FREE and some of yoga's most powerful tools. Learning to tap into these inner resources shouldn't be a privilege."
- Natalie Johnson
Natalie's Certifications & Associations:
- Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga - Kripalu School of Integrative Yoga Therapy
- Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist - Himalayan Institute/Yoga North
- Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga - Center for Trauma & Embodiment at Justice Resource Institute
- Yoga Teacher Training - Green Lotus Yoga & Healing
- Yin Yoga - Green Lotus Yoga & Healing
- SomaYoga Therapy & Somatics Intensive - Yoga North
- SilverSneakers Yoga - chair yoga for seniors
- Yoga Calm Wellness Intensives - yoga for children/schools
- E-RYT 500 & Continuing Ed Provider - Yoga Alliance
- Member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists
“I find my own stride in Natalie’s classes! I always leave feeling better than when I came in - stronger, more balanced, and renewed for facing my world outside of yoga.”